Calvados Overload

6 hours in the car and 6 hours of tasting Calvados has left Driscoll asleep at the wheel. I'm taking April, 1st to examine myselves just a little bit and so I'm turning the comments ON just because I can. Got a problem? Have a question? Really feeling like you need to respond to a blog post from six months ago? Waiting to comment on Driscoll's taste in music? Now is your chance. Please feel free to bombard us with your opinions because I don't think you'll have another chance this year. By the way, that 1960 Malt Mill they found tastes terrible...

-David OG

HEY! What the hell is going on? This is crazy! This is anarchy! I'm turning these back off!

(thanks for all the nice words everyone!)

-David Driscoll

David Othenin-Girard