Barrels, Barrels, Barrels - Let The Fun Begin
The barrel yard at Springbank distillery
The holiday season is starting early at K&L. I'm working day and night to get orders placed, secure large amounts of popular new whiskies, and make sure our casks from Scotland arrive on time. Today is going to be a huge day. Three of our new barrels will be arriving this morning: our Glendronach 16 year Sherry cask, the Springbank 14 year Madeira cask, and the Springbank 13 year Bourbon cask. While many of the other barrels we purchased yielded 250 bottles or less, the Glendronach and Springbank Madeira barrels were gigantic - both dolloping out more than 600 bottles each! This is a gigantic commitment for us to make up front, however we did it for a reason. These whiskies are going to be our work horses for the next few months (if they last that long). The Glendronach 16 is one the most accessible and tasty barrels we've ever purchased - think Macallan 18 on steroids with lots of chewiness. It's so good, I can sell it to literally anyone and feel confident that they'll truly love it. The Springer is no different, although the richness is more honeyed and therefore a bit less intense. All three barrels will be available for sale later today. For all of you who ordered pre-arrival, I'll be working over at the warehouse all day to get your orders filled as fast as possible - hopefully as soon as this weekend for some of you. It's important that we do this quickly because there's no time to rest. Next week we'll be getting the 16 year Bruichladdich finished in Ardbeg casks, followed by the Blair Athol cask right after. Then the Bruichladdich Chenin Blanc cask hits, along side the Littlemill from our Faultline label. It's going to get hot and hectic over here, and that's without little things like Talisker 18 and Old Pulteney 21 getting in the way! Let the fun begin. We've got a lot of whisky to get through people. Get some sleep and make sure you're well rested. I need your livers in top gear.
-David Driscoll