Oaxaca: Day 2 - Glorious Morning
I awoke to a beautiful Oaxacan morning after nine hours of unadulterated slumber. After subsiding on no sleep for more than twenty-four hours, it felt amazing to grab my camera and hit the streets in search of some interesting sights.
Even at 8 AM there were still plenty of people about.
The main calle had a few locals walking to work.
This street vendor was selling businessmen tortas for breakfast. When I first looked I thought he was selling tomales, but after watching closely I realized he was putting the tomal into fresh baked bread. Holy shit! A tomal torta?!
We had breakfast in the courtyard of our hotel (I had poached eggs in mole sauce) and headed south towards Jake's distillery in Santa Catarina Minas. More later, live from Real de Minas distillery!
-David Driscoll