Happy Thanksgiving
This is the time of year when we give thanks, so I'm ready to start thanking people!
I'm giving thanks right now to the tens of thousands of great folks who make my job possible, who support our program here at K&L, and who are on track right now to make November of 2017 the most successful November we've ever had in the spirits department, despite the fact that we've lost customers all across the country due to shipping restrictions and despite the fact that the competition in retail is tougher than ever in California.
Looking at our numbers and knowing that, despite all of the hurdles we've had to jump through recently, our customers are coming out in record droves to support our program makes me incredibly thankful. I've never had more blog readers (huge increase this year)! I've never had to sift through more emails! And I've never been more proud of the work we're doing here, especially the work of my colleagues who are dialed in right now and firing on all cylinders. I was really worried earlier this year that our momentum might be faltering with the boutique booze market, but I apparently I was wrong. DEAD WRONG. We're booming like never before at K&L and I have all of you to thank for that. So thank you!
I hope dearly that everyone has a great Thanksgiving and that you're sipping on something satisfying this evening. I'll be with my family tomorrow, then I'm heading out to Vegas for some R&R.
Be well and please don't hesitate to reach out if you need help this holiday season.
-David Driscoll