The Hype is Real
I haven't tasted it yet, so I can't speak to the quality (David OG tells me it's fantastic), but the hype is certainly real. With no press, no blog posts, no alerts of any kind, we sold through our SoCal allocation of the new Foursquare Criterion in less than ten minutes. I've got a sizeable stock coming into NorCal tomorrow, but since I'm leaving for Las Vegas tonight you'll all have to be on alert. I won't be here to give you the arrival notice, so if this is a bottle you're on the hunt for, I'd pay close attention to tomorrow.
Many believe this will be one of the top spirits of the year and perhaps the most exciting new rum to hit the U.S. in some time. What we do know from today's response is that rum's newest cult superstar has genuine demand. Get ready to act fast. It appears the rum renaissance is upon us.
-David Driscoll