Some Things To Look Forward To

While touring through the barrel room at Copper & Kings distillery this past Fall, I noticed a rack of casks painted with vibrant colors and sporting logos from some very famous American breweries. "Are you guys distilling beer?" I asked owner Joe Heron. 

"No," he said, "even better."

Joe then went on to explain a process and a philosophy I could rehash here on the blog at this point, but it's pretty much just Copper & Kings brandy aged in craft beer barrels. They are distilling beer (which you can read about here), but these Cr&aftwerk brandies are pretty amazing.

Rest assured that we'll be getting plenty of these. And, let me tell you, they taste more like the respective beers they're associated with than any beer-distilled whiskey I've yet to taste. They are remarkable and I cannot wait until they arrive.

-David Driscoll

David Driscoll