France Day 1: The Hunt for David Girard
We've got a four hour layover in Paris and I've already been here an hour and forty minutes. Girard landed at the same time I did, but there's no sign of him so far. This is a big airport. I battled the flu I caught Thursday night all ten hours of the flight over here, the pressure threatening to collapse my sinuses, but I emerged unscathed. A good night's rest and I should be over this wretched bug. What a time to get sick. I am somewhat happy to have a stuffy nose at the moment, however, because were in perfect health I would march right over to the Ladurée and eat an entire box full of macarons. The best cookie on earth is but a few yards away, but to eat one at this point would be a waste. After a few more hours of book reading, DOG and I will be on our way south to Armagnac country. Charles Neal is set to grab us once we land and we'll make the trek down from there. Good in-flight movies on Air France, by the way. This was the first time I had flown with them. Three films I wanted to see, but hadn't: Super 8, Warrior, and Drive. Gotta keep my eyes peeled for David Othenin-Girard. Until later.
-David Driscoll