The Evolution of a Market Cycle in Six Videos
BOOM! There's an excitement of a bold new energy. People are out there pioneering an idea or an art. You feel something radical and you can't help yourself. Whatever this is, you want to be a part of it. A trend begins.
People from all over the world get wrapped up in the energy. They begin obsessing over this hot new fashion, adding in their own unique accents. New visionaries come into the market and they have ideas and strategies about how to do things even better than the original pioneers. They take the founding ideas of the movement and improve on the quality and the message.
The movement hits its peak. The world is enraptured. The quality is still top notch, but there are signs of fatigue and decadence everywhere. The message has gone as far it can go, but can you really stop the marketing momentum with everything in full swing?
The movement becomes pure money-oriented. The fun and frivolity that inspired greatness has been replaced with a strategic system for success. The craftsmanship is still top notch; in fact it's better than ever! However, it feels almost forced or formulaic because technical details have begun to overtake the conversation, overriding the original intent. Despite the incredible quality, talent, and ability on display, there's something missing.
The market is now absolutely flooded beyond capacity. Everyone is capable. In some cases, the quality and craftsmanship are better than anything we've ever seen. Producers are able to do things no one has ever done previously, but at this point it's old hat. That level of mastery now carries with it a stigma. The new arrivals have completely forgotten the original intent of the art. The original founders have all sobered up and moved on to something else.
Finally, something completely new comes along and destroys everything. This new energy is the anti-thesis of the previous movement, embracing the complete opposite set of principles and rebelling entirely against the status quo. Everything changes. The old market is dead. A new one based on entirely different values and styles begins.
-David Driscoll